22 Free Bootstrap Website Templates
Bootswatch offers 22 free Bootstrap website themes. Bootstrap is a front-end web development framework that provides a tried and tested, a well-used set of base styles and functionality to help kick-start any and all new web projects from small sites to full-blown web applications.
My personal preference is still WordPress but I like a lot of Themes that combine WordPress and Bootstrap. Here are some FREE Bootstrap templates.
Bootswatch offers Free Bootstrap Website Templates
Easy to Install
Simply download a CSS file and replace the one in Bootstrap. No messing around with hex values
Changes are contained in just two SASS files, enabling further customization and ensuring forward compatibility.
Tuned for 4.1.3
Themes are built for the latest version of Bootstrap. v2.3.2, v3.3.7, and others are also available to download.
Open Source
Bootstrap themes are released under the MIT License and maintained by the community on GitHub.
Get Plugged In
An API is available for integrating with your platform. In use by NodeBB, BootSnap, and many more.
Bootswatch offers 22 Free Bootstrap Website Templates
Cerulean – A calm blue sky
Cosmo – An ode to Metro
Cyborg – Jet black and electric blue
Darkly – Flatly in night mode
Flatly – Flat and modern
Journal – Crisp like a new sheet of paper
Litera – The medium is the message
Lumen – Light and shadow
Lux – A touch of class
Materia – Material is the metaphor
Minty – A fresh feel
Pulse – A trace of purple
Sandstone – A touch of warmth
Simplex – Mini and minimalist
Sketchy – A hand-drawn look for mockups and mirth
Slate – Shades of gunmetal gray
Solar – A spin on Solarized
Spacelab – Silvery and sleek
Superhero – The brave and the blue
United – Ubuntu orange and unique font
Yeti – A friendly foundation
Like many templates and themes, bootstrap can be easy or hard to set up and manage. If you don’t have any experience with Bootstrap I recommend you do some research. YouTube is an excellent resource with many how to’s, including Bootstrap. If you use one of these templates please give me your feedback and I will include it in this post. Message me through my contact form.