16 Free Business Name Generators
The Name App
Find an available name for your brilliant idea. This app is downloadable on your phone.
GoDaddy Domain Search
The most successful businesses use the same set of words and images in all customer touchpoints – on their website, in their emails and order confirmations, on their signs, etc. This is branding at its simplest. And the digital pieces of your brand all spring from your domain name.
Discover a perfect company name. This site adds append or prepend to your business name to make it unique.
Shopify Business Name Generator
Use Shopify’s business name generator to search for business names and check domain availability. Once you find the perfect business name, you can select the domain name that fits your business and your personality (before someone else does).
Pick a short and catchy name for your business.
Namesmith business name generator helps you brainstorm name ideas by generating suggestions from (up to five) keywords. Namesmith features many different name suggestion algorithms from your keywords, including purposeful misspellings, adding suffixes/prefixes, and creating fantasy names based on what you’ve entered.
Hipster Business Name
Hipster Free business name generators. Hip random name suggestions,
Self-proclaimed “The best domain name generator ever.” Add adjectives, nouns, and verbs before or after your name.
Anadea Business Name Generator
Use this free business name generator to help you find the best name for your business, website or even your app. Just enter in keywords to start generating name suggestions.
Lean Domain Search
Find a domain name for your website in seconds.
Fast, free, domain name search, short URLs.
Wordlab Business Name Generator
This business name generator spits out random business names from a list of more than 7.2 million potential names. You can also sign up for a free account and post a topic in the forum on the site to get help from the Wordlab community.
Business Name Generator (BNG)
To use this business name generator, just input a word or words, and it generates a list of possible business names. The tool will also identify which domain names are available for each possible business name.
Dot-O-Mator Name Generator
A simple free business name generators that displays a random name when you click the button. You can keep a running list of names displayed and then check if the domain name is available as well.
NameMesh is a business name brainstorming tool that helps you find a name for your company, app or product with just a simple search. When you use the tool, you get instant suggestions for keywords as you type.