Free Legal Forms, Documents, Templates
These websites offer hundreds of free legal forms, documents, and templates for free download. Some even host your document in the cloud for you with e-sign options.
13 Free Resouces for Legal Forms, Documents, & Templates
- Docracy
- Formswift
- Law Depot
- UpCounsel
- US Legal
- Jotform
- SEQ Legal
- Contractology
- Legal Pleading Template
An open collection of free legal contracts and documents, Docracy is a home for contracts and other legal documents, socially curated by the communities that use them. Their mission is to make these documents freely available for everyone, while in the process making them easier to customize and use. No more shady templates behind a paywall where you click download and just hope for the best. Instead, we offer reputable, transparent sources and social proof to help you find something as close as possible to the perfect document.
Anyone can upload or write a new document. You can also edit and improve existing documents, either for the community or just for yourself. Documents are private by default: only you can see and edit them. If you make them public, only you, as the owner, will be able to edit them. However, if they are public, other people will be able to make a copy for themselves that they can then edit (we call it “branching”).
Popular documents include Real Estate, Will, Power of Attorney, Personal Property, Non-Disclosure, Employment, Sale and Purchase, and Consulting.
Formswift – Free Legal Forms
Browse hundreds of free legal forms and download in MS Word or Pdf format. Categories include Business, Family, Financial, Human Resources, Life Planning, Real Estate, and more
Law Depot – Free Legal Documents, Forms, and Contracts
Law Depot offers over 150 document free legal templates suitable for use in all 50 states. Whether you’re interested in protecting your estate, lending money, managing a rental property, or setting up a business, we pride ourselves in empowering our millions of users to create and customize their own legal documents and contracts.
Their document templates are thorough—they’re built by our dedicated team of legally trained professionals who have practiced law in a range of countries around the world. Their legal team works closely with our staff of professional writers to maintain our library of legal document templates and resources so you can navigate your personal situation with confidence.
Simply answer a few questions to create and edit a custom legal document to save, share, or print for your personal or professional use. This saves you money on expensive legal fees while ensuring that your documents are as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
Since its inception, contract generator has helped our users save over 1 billion dollars in legal fees. Their free legal contracts and documents are drafted by, and regularly updated by licensed attorneys. Learn more and their mission.
Choose Your Free Legal Form
Browse our 120+ free legal contracts & documents.
Answer Simple Questions
Our contract creator will turn your answers into a customized legal form.
Sign & Print Your Document
E-sign, download, and print your legal document.
UpCounsel – Free Legal Documents
Free Legal Documents – Save time and money with free legal documents and templates drafted by UpCounsel Attorneys.
Categories include:
US Legal – Free Forms
This page lists various forms available free, most from the Federal Government. Most are only available in Adobe Acrobat format.
Beware of some free form web sites: Government sites providing official forms are generally reliable and now provide up to date forms. Non-government sites attempting to provide free forms should be used with great caution.
U. S. Legal Forms™, Inc. has identified sites providing business, personal, and even litigation forms that do not comply with the laws of your State. Unless you are an attorney and know what changes to make to a form to make it valid for your State, beware. Thousands of Internet users are discovering the hard way that the free form they selected is not valid. Some of these sites are even representing forms to be State-Specific which are not and do not comply with the laws of your State.
Jotform – 80 Free Contract Templates
JotForm creates a collection of ready-made contract templates in PDF format that is completely customizable and free to use. Many of our contract templates are made to have the basic sections such as the terms of employment, employee responsibilities, compensation and benefits, and one that may include a non-disclosure agreement or commonly known as NDA. These common sections are the advantages of making your contract management process more efficient and effective. The bottom line is these PDF contract templates will justify the function and duties of each party. And again, as a document signed by both parties, a contract is enforceable in a court of law.
JotForm’s PDF contract templates are editable which means you can adjust the overall format including the aforementioned sections. If the job description changes significantly or there is a need to change the responsibility of the employee within the company, you can have the templates edited to send a new contract where both parties can review and sign again.
SEQ Legal – Free Legal Documents
A selection of free legal notices and documents are available on this website. They are both legally sophisticated and easy to use, and you can download them without registering. To get started, click on the name of the legal document you need.
Key facts about SEQ Legal Free documents:
- The documents have been designed to balance ease of use with legal sophistication. Many include guidance notes to help you edit the template.
- The templates are regularly updated to keep pace with changes to the law.
- All the free documents were drafted by, or have been approved by, Alasdair Taylor, a solicitor specializing in IT, IP, and internet law.
- The free template documents are trusted by hundreds of thousands of businesses (we know this because our web legal notices are used on in excess of half a million websites).
- The documents are available for download in Word format – there’s no need to register.
- If you have any questions about the documents, please ask on their legal Q&A system.
- If you want to use the documents without the included credit/link, you can purchase a license to do so – see the licensing links on the individual document pages.
Free Legal Documents and Free Legal Forms. Your legal costs can be zero with the Free Legal Documents supplied here! All the agreements and free legal forms are written in plain English so all parties can understand them clearly and they can be downloaded instantly (simply copy and paste) and free of charge.
Apart from supplying documents for business use, you will also find contracts to formalize a personal agreement.
Free Legal Forms .net’s Form Library contains 1000’s of free legal forms covering a wide range of needs. To find the free legal form that you are looking for, use the search box or click on one of the popular searches. – Secure Cloud Legal Documents and Forms
Free Legal Documents, Contracts, and Forms.
Business Forms
- Partnership Agreement
- Non-Disclosure Agreement
Family Forms
- Separation Agreement
Financial Forms
- Bill of Sale
- Loan Agreement
Other Forms
- Affidavit
- Release / Waiver Form
Real Estate Forms
- Rental Lease Agreement
- Commercial Lease Agreement
- Quitclaim Deed Form
Wills & Estates Forms
- Last Will and Testament
- Power of Attorney Form
Contractology – Free Legal Templates
Free legal resources for websites to help web professionals and website operators to find other sources of free legal help, including free legal information, free legal advice, free legal documentation, and free legal search facilities.
These templates are free because they don’t cost anything; and they are free because you are free to copy, edit, and improve the documents as you like. All we ask is that you credit us. If you want to use a document without the credit and hyperlink, you can buy a license to do so.
Legal Pleading Template
These free legal pleading templates are easy to download and print. Legal Pleading Papers, blank pages numbered along the left edge, are available in formats that satisfy the requirements of many courts. You can download them in PDF format or DOC format. Print the PDF forms and write your text onto them, or open the DOC versions in Word or other compatible programs, and enter your text directly into the templates. Download one at a time for free or download all at once for a fee.
Disclaimer: This page is not offering legal advice. Always consult an attorney concerning legal matters.